GAMES <||>

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.

30 Minute Game (Mariothedog).

Mario Engine.

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys 2.

Mario Bros. (1983).

Super Mario's Wacky Worlds.

Sidetracked (komehara, FirahFabe, Marionette).

Mario Party 9.


Mario Boat.

Super Mario Wars 64.

Mario Pong.

Dr. Mario.

Chess Shooter (Marios Pafitis).

The Bubble Head Mario (Version 0.1) NEW.

Communist Mario for Android.

Mario Sports Superstars.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.

Super Mario World: The Lost Levels(Demo 4 levels).

Mario Bros. Text Based.

Super Mario Hacks 2007.

Mario 2D.


Super Mario 64 Port Pc (Jose8820).

Super Mario 3D World.

Mario Kart 64 (1996).

TSTD's Super Mario World Maker v.6 Remix Demo (Scratch 3.0).

Super Mario Enigmatic 2 (SMBX).

Super Mario World Platformer.

Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory.

Super Mario Bros. PC.

Communist Mario for Windows.

Super Mario Bros. Demake.

Mario Goes to the Fridge to get a Glass of Milk 2.

mario 1x1.

Detective Conan: Marionette Symphony.

new new super mario bros.

Super Mario Bros. 2.

Mario is Doomed.